

Monday, February 28, 2011

DIY Blogs = Love

I LOVE reading DIY blogs and getting new ideas for the house. Today I came across this one and had to share!


 I completely adore her closet turned reading nook idea. I wish I had an extra closet to do this with but unfortunately we lack on closets in this house as is and I wouldn't be able to give up the space. :(  Not that we couldn't create a new reading nook though!

As of now Braedyn and I have our reading couch upstairs where we snuggle up before bed to read a couple of books. Well, I read and Braedyn points out letters since he is only two and a half. :-) He is really starting to talk in sentences a lot more now and knows every letter of the alphabet. He counts to three on his own and many times will even get to five when I'm pretending not to notice. He's got his colors down and we're working on shapes. Circles are his favorite (he loves to visit Target ;-) haha). I love to watch him grow and learn and I'm so excited to see how he progresses in the coming days. Pre-school is sneaking up on us very quickly so I want to make sure things like our reading area keep Braedyn's interest!

I will be visiting the "Pretty Handy Girl" DIY blog often! Thank you Michelle for suggesting the DIY blogs for inspiration :)Thank goodness for blogging!

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